Building bonds between generations.

Side by Side aims to alleviate the loneliness and seclusion which can occur among the elderly within our community. In fact, 50 percent of persons over age 60 experience some level of unwanted social isolation. Side by Side is designed to pair a volunteer under age 65 with an elderly person who may need companionship. Our goal is simply to build human connections that benefit everyone.

Side by Side is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

How It Works

Side by Side will pair a vetted volunteer under the age of 65 with an elderly person of the same gender in hopes of forming a fulfilling relationship for both. The volunteers will be asked to commit spending at least 60 minutes once a week with their paired elderly companion. The hour can be spent however they choose, as long as the time fosters a sense of companionship and respect. We don’t envision a limit as to amount of time the companions can spend with each other, but the minimum of 60 minutes per week will be a required commitment.


We anticipate finding the volunteers to be fairly simple. The challenge will be reaching the elderly in our community that are already in a state of isolation. We feel the best way to find them is by asking our volunteers and the community to submit the names of anyone they know who could benefit from this program. Volunteers will be fully vetted and will be required to waive any gift or other offer of monetary gain. We are confident our volunteers will find the experience just as rewarding as will their elderly companions.

Making an Impact

Side by Side operates as a tax exempt, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Our start-up funds will be sourced from individual and business donations. We hope to start assembling the volunteer force in early 2024. Your donation will be greatly appreciated as we work toward our goal of bringing together 24 Side by Side pars in 2024, and another 25 pairs in 2025. We are hopeful this is the start of a longstanding organization within our community that betters the lives of everyone involved. Thank you for your generous help.